Difference between Marxist Feminism and Socialist Feminism

Marxist feminism and socialist feminism can often be confused because of the overlapping of their ideologies to some extent. So here are the differences between Marxist feminism and Socialist feminism.

What is Marxist Feminism?

Marxist feminism takes its theoretical bearings from Marxism, notably the criticism of capitalism as a set of structures and practices that promote the exploitation of labour, the alienation of human beings and the debasement of freedom.

  • Marxist feminism analyzes the ways in which women are exploited through capitalism and the individual ownership of private property.
  • According to Marxist feminists, empowerment and equality for women can’t be achieved within the framework of capitalism.
  • For them, women’s liberation can only be achieved by dismantling the capitalist systems in which much of women’s labour is not compensated properly.

What is Socialist Feminism?

Socialist feminism focuses on the idea that patriarchy and capitalism both are responsible for the exploitation and oppression of women.

In addition to emphasizing gender inequality as a cultural force that stems from patriarchy, socialist feminists focus on how the economic system (particularly capitalism) is a source of oppression. It aims to dismantle these structures to achieve liberation.

Difference between Marxist Feminism and Socialist Feminism

  • Marxist feminism considers ‘capitalism’ to be the origin of women’s exploitation which it analyzes through the class paradigm.
  • Socialist feminism takes both ‘capitalism’ and ‘patriarchy’ when articulating women’s oppression focusing on class and gender factors.

Read Also: What is Black Feminism?

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